Semi Capped Curtain Wall
The semi capped curtain wall is an application where facade glass panels are supported externally with aluminum cover profiles and installed on the exterior of the building. These aluminum profiles are applied either vertically or horizontally in this curtain wall system, typically preferring vertical application due to potential water leakage issues associated with horizontal cover profiles.
Similar to capped curtain walls, the semi-capped curtain wall requires slightly more labor during glass installation compared to structural silicone systems, as the cover profiles are mounted during construction. However, it requires fewer processes during glass manufacturing and does not involve additional adhesives as in silicone systems, making it more cost-effective than silicone curtain walls. Semi-covered systems are also more economical than fully covered systems.
These systems offer both inward and outward opening sash options. Glass dimensions, features, and colors can vary significantly, but the goal is always to achieve maximum aesthetics, maximum durability, maximum thermal insulation, and, of course, minimal cost by making the right choices. Throughout the process, from glass manufacturing to installation, we remain in constant communication before and during construction to determine the most suitable options and produce tailored solutions for you.

Semi Capped Curtain Wall Corner Details and Technical Specifications
Profile Width: 50mm
Profile Wall Thickness: 1.4 – 2.5 mm
Vertical Mullion Profile Depth: 50 – 180 mm
Horizontal Transom Profile Depth: 30 – 126 mm
Minimum Glass Thickness: 4 mm
Maximum Glass Thickness: 45 mm
Minimum Sash Dimensions: 700 x 1200 mm
Maximum Sash Dimensions: 1500 x 2000 mm
Maximum Sash Weight: 155 kg
EN 12152 Air Permeability: A4 – 600 Pa
EN 12154 Watertightness: RE 1200 Pa
EN 13830 Wind Load Resistance: 1200 Pa
Minimum Thermal Insulation: Uf: 2.64 – 3.88 W/(m^2.K)
For detailed sections of covered facades and all profile details, you can download the catalog from here.